Kamis, 11 Januari 2018
Legends of Tomorrow Podcast
Hey internet,
How's it going? Thought I'd make a really quick post to let everyone know I'm going to be part of the DC TV's latest podcast! Twice a month, I'll join Comic Uno and Tony B. Kim to discuss the CW's upcoming comic book series Legends of Tomorrow. Seeing as the show won't debut until next year, many of the upcoming episodes will highlight the heroes and villains on the roster - what makes them interesting, what to read/watch to prepare for the show, etc. - and several other topics.
The first episode - which consists of quick introductions and then thoughts on the trailer, as well as The Flash and Arrow's latest season finales - should be posted as soon as Thursday night. If you're awesome and would like to follow along, below are links to several of the podcast's pages.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Legends_Podcast
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LegendsOfTomorrowPodcast?fref=ts
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/dcs-legends-tomorrow-podcast/id993662961?mt=2
Take care, everyone!
Totally off-topic: Who else is beyond excited that Batman: Arkham Knight drops next week?!